
Top 7 tips to take care of your skin in the cold weather

1. Drink Lots of water

It is important in this weather to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Especially in the current minus temperatures that can dry out your skin and particularly your lips even more than usual.

2. Have Lip balm

If you haven’t already got a stick of lip balm handy, you should pick up one as our lips are constantly being exposed to the snow and frosty winds.

3. Moisturize More

Use even more moisturising cream but choose one that will most effectively condition your skin in colder conditions. If you can, go for an oil based product rather than a water based because this will give it a glow.

4. Wear less makeup

Wearing less makeup will keep your skin looking and feeling healthier. Make sure you remove it after as this maintains the skins natural minerals.

5. Wear protective clothing

By wearing gloves, hats and scarfs to cover your skin you are keeping it protected. Even though this can dry your skin out, it is best to keep it covered. You can then later apply cream rather than going outside with your skin open to chilly weather.

6. Consume multivitamins

In cold weather people don’t always eat enough fruit or vegetables. Take multivitamins as these are very beneficial for your skin, specifically vitamins C and D. These will give your skin that extra boost.

7. Eat hydrating foods

Have more fruit and vegetables as people tend to have less in colder weather. Fruit such as cucumber, kiwi and juices are great for your diet and back up any skin care regime.