The newly released app “Flare” allows woman to anonymously report when and where they have felt vulnerable.
The app aims to not only inform authorities of the extent of sexual harassment, but to also help woman feel more comfortable in areas where they have felt unsafe.
Flare was released yesterday, November 25th, but there is concern of the publicity and knowledge of its existence.

Multiple students attending the University of Gloucestershire weren’t aware of it’s release but say that the app would be successful in bringing about awareness of the extent of sexual harassment.
Emily Cooke says: “it would be great for them [authorities] to get an accurate feel for how the regional area is in respecting woman and whether it is a big issue in that area.” She continues to say: “It needs to be reported somewhere and it’s good the app is anonymous.”
The decision to make “Flare” anonymous has shown to be a powerful aspect to the reporting process. Kiera Neal says: “if I was to report something anonymously, I would more likely report it.” She continues: “with the increase of things like spiking, it’s really scary so I think that having the app will be really helpful in making women feel more comfortable.”
Some women are worried about where the information goes and what the government can do with it. Ayisha Rodney says: “what is the actual purpose of having this app, what is the end result that people intend?” She shows concern over using the app and being labelled as “just a statistic”.
The Guardian has shown that according to a survey for UN Women UK, four-fifths of young women have experienced being sexually harassed. The report, in which the survey was published, shows that 71% of women of all ages said they had experienced sexual harassment in public spaces.
But this doesn’t consider all the events that have gone unreported.
“Flare” is available to be freely downloaded in both the App Store and Google Play. Or you can download it by visiting
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