
Why 2022 should be the year to say goodbye to the birthday blues

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I don’t know about you but I can’t stand my birthday.

Each year I get this feeling of dread that makes me wish it didn’t have to be a thing at all. It’s not like each one I’ve had has gone horribly wrong but there’s always something that could have gone better let’s say.

Either way, the birthday blues have got to go. Instead of constantly fighting the expectations society puts on birthdays to be one of the best days of the year, decide to accept it for what it is.

In fact, I feel the term should be renamed. Pick whatever you want. It could be appreciating yourself day. I exist day. Or just another Monday, Tuesday whatever day of the week.

If birthday works for you then stick to it. Changing the name is just one way to help put things into perspective. Be open minded and be realistic. Not everyone can or will remember.

You can’t always get the time off work, or expect to get that present you’ve casually been hinting about for months previous. Sure, plans can cave and friends might not show, in any case it’s still just one day.

Also, can we please ignore milestones? The pivotal points of life that can leave you feeling both excited and deflated in one hit. Acting as a friendly reminder to say, ‘well done you’ve reached this age!’.

Whilst leaving you with this feeling that you should be doing more with your life. It’s difficult to compete against an unnecessary pressure to have achieved things by a certain age.

By the time I turned 18 I had my eyes set on having a driving licence, decent grades and living the summer up in Italy somewhere. It felt like the year that everything was more attainable. You can legally go out for drinks, try out new experiences and be confirmed as an ‘adult’.

Sitting here almost two years later I can tell you I still don’t have that pink licence, the grades I got were enough but nothing special and I never made it to Italy.

21 is the next ‘big’ number and who’s to say I might be in any further in life? The same goes for any age. The main takeaway would be stop dwelling as much.

Give over what you have or haven’t done think about where you’re going from now. What you consider to be a ‘total disaster’ of a birthday might be the best one you’ve had yet.

I hate admitting it- as I do love a scapegoat- but your mood is dependent on you. You don’t need to each birthday but make 2022 the year you take a step back.  

Stop thinking of all the things that could go wrong and you might find the day works better in your favour.

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