Here in Cheltenham, there are many local heroes from different walks of life. Steve Smith is an example of that and currently helps The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army is a Christian church and is in 133 different countries around the world, where they also do a lot of community work as well as church services. Steve says the overall aim is to help anybody and everybody.
Steve, 57, has been involved with The Salvation Army for over 50 years and he became an official member for the charity in 1989. The organisation has schools, universities and even has an employment scheme. Steve comes into the Cheltenham Town centre once a week for a couple of hours to try and get as many donations as possible for the charity. “Really I like to try and help and help as much as possible, whenever I get a day off, I try to be here really.” Lots of people approach Steve and he is a very friendly face which is great for money contributions. “Yeah, I love working for such a great cause, and come rain or shine I like to show I’m a friendly character.”
Other than his charity work for The Salvation Army, Steve likes to spend time with his family and enjoys rowing. “I put a lot of time into my charity work with the church but when I’m not out representing then I like to be at home spending time with my family. I often like to go rowing with my friends and have even gone with my daughter.” Steve loves any opportunity to go out and is often found in Simply Gym on the rowing machines either alone or with a friend.
Steve is a very religion orientated person when asked ultimately why he puts so much time and effort into supporting the cause he stated it was down to it being his church. “As you’ve said The Salvation Army is a registered charity but it’s my church so that’s why I want to be as involved as I am.” Steve also mentioned that The Salvation Army networks with a variety of different organisations and councils such as food banks and toy makers. “Over Christmas we have sorted over 1000 toys for kids and 800 food parcels for families.”
To find out more about Steve’s work and what The Salvation Army do visit The Salvation Army website here.