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‘I may have bitten off more than I can chew’: the Cheltenham cyclist riding to Malta for charity

By Beth Howard and Ellie Kirwin-Jones

A cyclist who has lost friends and family to suicide is riding 2,100 miles through Europe to raise money for a mental health charity.

Mike Swinford, 26, from Cheltenham, is fundraising for CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) by cycling to Malta later this year.

Mike guiding friends for 110 miles over the Severn bridge.

On September 1, Mike will set off from Cheltenham Pump Rooms on his month long adventure. It will take him through France and Italy on a 2,100-mile journey to raise money and awareness for the mental health charity.

Mike’s first holiday destination abroad was to the island of Malta, where his grandparents lived throughout his childhood. He said: “I’ve got a bit of unfinished business in Malta.”

Mike, who works for Leisure Lakes bike shop, added: “My nan passed away a few years ago, and she donated her body to science. She can’t be cremated over there because it’s a Catholic country. So, if you donate your body to science they plant a tree for you.

“My grandpa’s tree, because he passed away first, says, ‘Everyone wants happiness, no-one wants pain’ and my nan’s says, ‘but you can’t make a rainbow without a little rain.'” Mike has seen photographs, but, making Malta his final destination means he will have the chance to see the trees in person.


Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK, and CALM works with 15-45 year olds, aiming to reduce male suicide.

After losing a school friend, an uncle and two cycling friends to suicide, Mike wants to make a difference. “If I make £100 doing this, and get one person to pick up a phone and call CALM or just talk to somebody, open up and say they’re not feeling great, I think my job’s done.” 

He lost his uncle, who had served in Northern Ireland, about 10 years ago:

“He had a tough life. There was a family falling out which makes it even worse because I didn’t know him as well as I should’ve. We found out after he committed suicide that he only lived around the corner from my mum, so if he had someone to talk to, someone he could have confided in, maybe he might not have gone that far.”

“70 per cent of the people who have passed away in my life have committed suicide. And they’ve been male, and under 45. That struck a nerve, and something needs to be done.”

Lucy Grattan, CALM’s Challenge Events Officer and the rest of the team are beyond proud to have Mike cycling from Cheltenham in their name. She said:

“Mike will not only be fundraising and cycling 3220K for us, he’ll be out there spreading the word and  raising awareness. All the conversations he’ll be having will be invaluable to us in our aim to keep men alive by talking.”

Mike has been cycling from the age of 13, and is a member of the Cheltenham & County Cycling Club.

“On my first ride, I went out in a pair of joggers and a hoodie, I was absolutely freezing. People took me under their wing and helped me out. Some of them are still really good friends to this day.”

Mike trains four times a week for an hour at a time. But as the summer looms, he says it will be two hours in the morning and maybe two hours after work. 

“I’ve had this recurring nightmare actually – I’ve maybe bitten off more than I can chew by riding down to Malta. The average mileage a day is going to be 75 miles and I’m going to be on a bike which is fully loaded up with a tent, a sleeping bag and a camping stove. I’m starting to think maybe I’ve really bitten off too much.”

He is hopeful that people will join him on his adventure to give him that extra boost. “I have made the option for people to maybe meet me it certain places. It’s either going to be a really lonely month or I’ll bump into people.”

Mike is holding a pub quiz on July 16 to raise more money for CALM at Cheltenham Football Club, who have donated the venue for free.

If you would like to sponsor Mike, visit his fundraising page.

To find out more about CALM, visit www.thecalmzone.net.