
Gloucestershire hospital advises patients to take their own food to A&E

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital has advised patients to take their own food and drink because of long waiting times.

Patients should expect to wait two hours before being seen, and some patients are waiting over 12 hours in other areas of the UK.

NHS conditions are taking a turn for the worst: over the winter, emergency surgeries were cancelled and some hospitals don’t have enough beds for patients.

An employee of Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “I think some thought would have to go into it, if you have time to get something then its OK, but it’s the A&E so most people are in a rush.”

hospital sign outside

Most people support the idea, as the A&E don’t provide food service other than vending machines.

Some people think that it shouldn’t be expected of them to make food because they would be more concerned about getting to the hospital.

The majority of tax payers say they would be happy to pay a higher tax rate to save the NHS, according to an article by The Times.

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust tweeted that patients should go to their GP if they can wait, patients should go equipped with food, drinks and reading material.