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Gloucestershire police launch anti-drink driving campaign

By Megan Griffiths

Gloucestershire Police have launched their annual anti-drink and drug driving campaign, warning drivers to not get behind the wheel after drinking too much this Christmas.

Gloucestershire Constabulary’s new campaign, launched this week, aims to educate drivers of the dangers and consequences they could face for driving whilst under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

Chief Inspector Alistair Barby said: “We will be out in force over the Christmas period and would ask that people consider their actions before getting behind the wheel.”

Though road traffic collisions caused by drink driving have fallen in recent years, an average of 3,000 people are still killed or seriously injured in the UK in drink driving accidents each year.

Councillor Dave Norman, Cabinet Member for Road Safety at Gloucestershire County Council, said: “Drink driving can have devastating consequences and I would urge everyone to think about this before considering driving after a drink.”

The force is working with Gloucestershire County Council, Gloucestershire Fire & Rescue Service, and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to implement the campaign.

Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Chris Nelson said: “Everyone looks forward to the holiday season, but all road users must recognise the need to behave responsibly whenever they get behind a wheel.”

Throughout the campaign, the police will be releasing video footage from police officers’ body worn cameras to highlight the behaviour of people who drink and drive.

Gloucestershire Constabulary’s campaign footage

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