Dear Diary,
How can I get more organised this year?
It’s one of the most common New Year’s resolutions – and one we all struggle to keep. With its ever growing popularity, people will be bullet journaling their way through 2018. Search #bulletjournal on any social media site and you can gaze at homemade, beautifully inked organisers, with everything from to-do-lists to doodles.
The Bullet Journal is a customisable and forgiving organisation system. It can be your to-do-list, sketchbook, notebook, organiser, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above.
A bullet journal starts off as just a note book, but by becoming a bullet journal it allows you to create your ideal organiser including whatever you like. Popular features include a habit tracker, a grid which you fill in how much you’ve exercised, how healthy you’ve eaten, how much you’ve read or how much you’ve meditated. Or line graphs on how much water you’ve drank over the week or how much money you have saved.
A bullet journal is good for…
– People who have a million little postit notes floating around
– People who like pen and paper to-do lists
– People who are into goal-setting and habit tracking
– People who like stationery, journaling, scrapbooking, beautiful pens, etc.
– People who need to get organised
– People who love planning
– People who would really like to keep a journal/diary but are having trouble sticking with the habit
Over half of our twitter followers say that they love using bullet journals.
What do you think of bullet journals? #bulletjournals #study
— UOGParklife (@UOGParklife) January 9, 2018
For some bullet journaling is a hobby. Working on it is a creative outlet and relaxes them. Adding to their journal with coloured pens acts as ‘me time’. For others its purely practical. It allows them to have all they need in one book, layed out exactly how they like. So whether you like making your journal artsy and colourful or pragmatic and practical a bullet journal is for everyone, because the beauty of the bullet journal is that its is what you make it.