Newly appointed Vice Chancellor, Clare Marchant, interviewed by students on the issues that matter to them.
Clare Marchant, has dedicated herself to improve the sustainability of the University and says she’s “looking forward to those conversations” at her official installation.
The event was shining with talent, students’ work was showcased all around the space as well as the voices of the UoG choir ringing out with ‘The Climb’ by Miley Cyrus.
Walking up to podium, Clare said that whilst it was likely unbeknownst to the choir, “that’s one of my favourite songs, I’m going to be holding back the tears.” Addressing the room with a sincere and determined composure, Clare spoke Helen Keller’s words, “alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
The new Vice Chancellor then gave a warm welcome to Journalism students, Redwan Eid and Seren Arthurs. Introducing the pair, Clare said, “I was really keen to have at the heart of this… it’s about the students.” Representing the student body, both questioned Clare on the issues closest to them and their peers.
During the interview, she tackled questions on the the cost of living crisis, sustainability, and combating violence against women, stating as a focus for her in this position to speak “openly and honestly” about these issues.
Clare listened intently as Seren explained how inclusivity was one of the most important aspects of her decision to attend the Univeristy of Gloucestershire. Returning a proud smile from Clare, Seren said when she first walked onto campus she thought ”this is where I want to be.”