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Care Home staff lose jobs as new guidelines state they must be double vaxxed

By Kiera Neal

All care home staff in the UK must now be double vaccinated in order to keep their jobs, so they can keep the number of Covid cases in care homes as low as possible. 

According to a press release that was released yesterday, by the National Care Forum, the government consulted the policy earlier in the year. However, the majority of the general public and patients in care did not support the mandation of compulsory vaccinations for carers.  

A recent survey conducted by the national care forum showed that it’s likely around 8% of care home staff will be lost as a result of this new government guideline, providing more pressure for care providers as they may no longer have enough staff to care for residents. 

Rebecca Greener, carer at Layston Grove Care Home in Hertfordshire, said that they’ve already lost 5 fellow staff members due to these new Covid rules. 

“They’ve gone, they’re not allowed to work they’ve lost their jobs.” 

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Mrs Greener, however, has received both her vaccines and booster jab, but she believes the guidelines aren’t right, saying: 

“I think it’s horrendous how we’ve been given no choice, I think it should be encouraged but not law.” 

She believes it’s unfair that there are different rules for carers compared to other NHS staff, whom don’t have to be vaccinated until the Spring. However, despite NHS staff not needing to be vaccinated by law, they are only allowed to enter the care home if it is proven they do have both vaccinations. 

“The government guidelines now state, even though they’re not insisting that NHS staff are vaccinated, that we have to make sure any NHS staff coming into our home are vaccinated.” 


However, according to Mrs Greener, priests are allowed to enter the care home without vaccinations. 

“Priests are allowed in to do ceremonies without being checked or vaccinated, it is totally ridiculous, it should be you’re either allowed in or you’re not.” 

Rebecca wishes that if vaccinations are compulsory, they shouldn’t still have to wear full PPE. 

“I think if we are being told that it’s not an option, then I don’t see why I have to be suffocated with a mask as well. I still have to be tested 3 times a week and still have to wear a full mask as protection even though you can say if you go to somewhere like Live at the Apollo if you’ve all been tested you don’t have to wear PPE and you can all sit next to each other.” 

She hopes for the future that in the future she won’t have to continue having to wear face masks for her 12 hour shifts. 

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