Starting out as a university student is one part of an even greater task, finding your fit in a town you have never been to before. Whilst that might not be the case for past visitors, here are some parts of Cheltenham that are highly recommended for students.
- Urban Outfitters
Chase the dream and jump onto the trends, as Urban Outfitters fashions a display of designs and new looks to draw in every young person looking to replace that old, unwanted hoodie. Wind through your spacious surroundings and you’ll surely find something you’re looking for.
2. Hollywood Bowl
Hosting a vast range of indoor activities – whether it’s equipping yourself with armfuls of tickets at the arcade, burning off steam in bowling or potting down perfect shots in pool, Hollywood Bowl appeals to all!
Live like it’s the last day of your life sipping from one of the captivating cocktails on offer. Don’t settle for a spare, go-all out on a Strike – mixing exotic fruits with vodka and orange.
3. Hub Box
Have a heart for Hub Box, as they keep you well-fed with their meat feasts. Catering to your every whim, stick to tradition with your classic burger and fries – or settle with a sweet alternative option such as the innovative Vegan All Star.
‘If you want a beef burger, but don’t want a beef burger. Go to Hub Box.’ – Chloe Harvey
4. Pizza Express
A pleasant experience, or a perfect getaway as the scent of basil, herbs and fresh Italian masterpieces inherit the realm of the restaurant. Tag along with family, have fun with friends, or a romantic meal for two – there’s something for everyone at this widely-acclaimed branch.
5. Waterstones
Twisting through the towering halls, immerse yourself in great literature with books bursting in all the time. You’ll never miss out on new author’s hits, or timeless classics, with neatly organised categories and student discount cards, reading will highly top the priorities.
6. Franco Manca
Residing on the edge of the Promenade, Franco Manca was an unknown quantity in Cheltenham until it hit the scene and now people can’t get enough.
To entice the experience with value and bring back returning customers – £8.95 for a soft drink and pizza.
7. Yo Sushi
Step into the sleek and contemporary modernised interior of the zany Yo Sushi, shipping a supply of multi-coloured domes transporting along a winding conveyor belt – catching the glittering eyes of curious customers. The unique and healthy array of sushi doesn’t end there, dive into a deep and beautiful broth of ramen or satisfy that secretive sweet tooth of yours with some creamy strawberry cheesecake mochi.
8. Botanica
Bubble up and cosy up in Botanica! With the essence of unpredictability and the air of instability, as customers venture into one too many martinis… it’s a fun and provocative time, from towering chairs, to tumbling down. The flowery and inviting décor of Botanica makes for a graceful persona – with a tropical and vibrant soul inside sporting drinks that score points in not just creativity, but their tantalising taste too.