
WEATHER: Top six sports to play in the sun

Temperatures are hitting 23 degrees in some places right now in England, and people are wondering.. is it time to get the Pimms out?

We at ParkLife Sport think yes it is, so here are our favourite sports to play to make the most of the sun.


A sport played outside exclusively in the summer and in good weather, cricket is the most cliché English sport ever created.

Much like rounders, it is easy to set up however there are different variants and you can make your own rules up as you go along to keep the game entertaining.

The only issue with cricket is that there is always one person in every friend group who is extremely competitive, and cricket will probably bring out that side of them.


When summer comes, as does Wimbledon and with it strawberries and cream, Champagne and Pimms.

Tennis has peaked in popularity over the past decade after Andy Murray’s success, with more and more courts opening, as well as traditional weed-strewn gravel courts being replaced with lawn courts.

Tennis is an easily accessible sport due to its popularity in sport, with clubs taking in all skill levels.


A park favourite, players waiting to bat can chat, chill and have a drink whilst the fielders watch enviously.

A game rarely played with a competitive edge, rounders is the perfect sport for the sun and a large group of mates



Once again, hard to define as a sport, but a sport it is nonetheless. Swingball is a game which takes up little space and could be played in a small back garden.

Using a double-sided tennis racket, players look to hit a tennis ball tethered on a string hard past their opponent and down/up a ring on the notch, with a winner being decided when one player reaches the top/bottom notch.

A great game for families, as well as being solo-player game as you can endlessly practice your forehand to your backhand to your forehand to your backhand…


Hard to imagine Frisbee being a sport, but having done extensive research online, I can confirm that it is.

You play Ultimate Frisbee where the objective is to throw the Frisbee into a net in the distance in as few as throws as possible (essentially golf with a large, throw able disc). If you don’t fancy that however, just getting a circle of mates around and throwing it to one another is actually more fun than you think.

Cheap and cheerful, one Frisbee can last years and more than make up its cost in fun.


The quintessential posh English sport, Croquet is a game where players use a long wooden mallet to knock different coloured balls through gates in an order in as few as shots as possible.

Dressed in all-white, the game is typically played by the elderly as it is slow paced and isn’t physically intense.

Croquet even has its own day in the year, which is the 13th May, and tournaments/events are organised the Croquet Association.



So there are our top six sports to play in the sun, how will you spend your day in the heat?