Pay the Wifi bill or feed the kids?
To some of us this seems like a no-brainer. Feed the kids right? But, in COVID times decisions like these are a constant conflict of parents who face the wrath of poverty.

Digital Poverty isn’t something that came about the same time as COVID. With the digital revolution rising, so has digital poverty. In 2018 12% of those aged between 11 to 18 reported having no internet access at home. An additional 68% admitted it was difficult to complete school work without it.

With 4.3 million children living in poverty in the UK it’s a constant struggle for parents to supply their children with education while also buying tomorrow nights tea.
With 9% of households containing children who do not have home access to a laptop, desktop PC or tablet the question strikes on how children are accessing education in tough times like these.

Although Digital Poverty seems to be massive problem during the 2020 summer term, the Department for Education provided laptops, tablets and 4G routers to disadvantaged children.
This, and with schools being open at the moment has hopefully weakened the harsh blow of digital poverty. However, things such as homework and everyday tasks still seem a struggle to those without computers.