By Jemima Wittich
The Church of England have faced public outrage towards their bishops, who refused to allow their clergymen to conduct same-sex marriages.
The Church of England have released plans to allow same-sex couples to come into church ‘to give thanks for their civil marriage or civil partnership and receive God’s blessing. Though people within the church see this as a huge, possibly radical, step forward, the public is outraged at the C of E’s consistent refusal to allow gay marriage to be conducted within their churches.
The official website for the Church of England said, ‘The Bishops of the Church of England will be issuing an apology later this week to the LGBTQI+ people for the “rejection, exclusion and hostility” they have faced in churches’.
However, the public are not satisfied with the response from the church. Television presenter, Professor Alice Roberts, took to Twitter to say that this is ‘Just another reminder that the religious institutions tend to be a drag on progress in human rights’.
However, others like the archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell said that the statement made by the church was ‘a real step forward’ and that they ‘have reached a milestone’.
Check out what the Church of England have said about this: