Bills are set to skyrocket this month as temperatures decline and boilers continue to break down.
Anthony Davis, a plumber in Gloucestershire said: “just because the snow might go, that doesn’t mean there won’t be problems for households as long as the temperatures stay below freezing.”
Boilers have been breaking down across the country and this can be worrying for some people, especially the elderly and anyone with young children. Davis has had to go above and beyond to get to people’s homes to help fix their boilers. He told us that on Thursday he had to go a great distance to help an elderly couple and a mum with a six-month-old baby. He said: “Some jobs I can’t even get to their house, it is a nightmare but you need to try your best and get there.”
Davis advises that people keep their houses warm and their boilers on to avoid the pipes freezing and condensation on the pipes.
You can unfreeze the pipe outside by boiling hot water and pouring it onto the pipe. If this doesn’t help it’s best to call your plumber and try and stay warm with hot water bottles and extra layers.
Although plumbers will try their best to get to the homes in the UK that are in need, it’s important that they don’t put their lives at risk.