
The £2.20 cider that cost the taxpayer £400

There were two barristers, a senior judge complete with wig and gown, a clerk, an usher and a security guard.
For nearly an hour, the court hearing went on, as the defendant nodded off in the dock.
It would have cost the taxpayer the best part of £400 – all over a stolen drink worth just £2.20.
The bizarre drama unfolded at Gloucester Crown Court today as His Honour Judge Harrington had to decide what to do in the case of a 54-year old woman who admitted stealing a £2.20 drink from a supermarket.

At one point, the defence lawyer said “it should have been dealt with at magistrates there and then.”

Sharon Knowles of Belmont Road originally appeared in court for pleading not guilty to an attempted robbery on a man with cash on August 13th last year. She admitted to stealing cider from Tesco in Stroud on the same date. The prosecution witness refused to provide a statement and did not appear in court. Due to lack of evidence the attempted robbery case was dismissed. As for the £2.20 drink theft the Judge ordered the court to send this case back to Magistrates.