Brexit is fast approaching, whether we like it or not. Since the referendum in 2016, we have been bombarded from the left and right with broken promises and petty arguments. But is it all doom and gloom? We are here to sift through the jargon and find real people who will be affected by Brexit in Gloucestershire.
Now, we could write a long, detailed timeline of Brexit, from the moment David Cameron thought about it to the ferries that have never sailed, but the BBC have done it for us.
Between now and D-day or “B-day”, we will bring you up to speed, and try and make sense of it all.
Gloucestershire MP signs letter to stop No Deal Brexit.
MPs have called for Theresa May to stop ‘threats’ of a no deal Brexit.
Gloucester MP Richard Graham was among 212 Members of Parliament who signed the letter, saying that leaving the EU with no deal would cause “unnecessary economic damage”.
Mr Graham, who is a member of the Conservatives, has voted against Theresa May’s Brexit plans in the past.
He said at the time “This is absolutely not a rebellion or a major blow to the Prime Minister – it follows through on what I’ve always said: support this Deal or risk a very soft Brexit or no Brexit. That’s what MPs have to understand – Parliament will not allow No Deal.”
With Brexit only months away, concern is growing over the Theresa May’s plans for Brexit. Many Conservatives, Including Mr Graham, have voiced anger over May’s plans, causing strain on negotiations. Pro-Brexiteers and Remainers in the Conservative Party have been arguing since the referendum in 2016, and this letter will only add more tension.
Was very happy to be an early signatory of this letter. But even more vital is the way to avoid any further need to prepare for No Deal – which is to support the government Deal
— Richard Graham (@RichardGrahamUK) December 23, 2018
The letter was originally put together by the former Conservative minister Dame Caroline Spelman and the Labour party’s Jack Dromey. The letter was signed by a cross-party group of MPs, including members from Plaid Cymru and The Scottish National Party.
The Government has been planning for the possibility of a No Deal in March. Preparations have begun on a lorry park in Kent, and Seaborne Freight was awarded a £13.8m contract to run the No Deal freight service, despite never running the service before.
Coming up tomorrow…
Tomorrow look out for the TV drama everyone will be watching: Brexit: Uncivil War.
Benedict Cumberbatch stars in the film, which airs on Channel 4 at 9pm.
#Brexit – how did we get there? Benedict Cumberbatch stars in #BrexitUncivilWar – Tomorrow 9pm
— Channel 4 (@Channel4) January 6, 2019